by Jeffrey Lee |
May 13, 2016

Our first denim emoji poll!
Check it out on our fb page, here:
by Robin Chan |
March 03, 2016
We were told to cover more denim related posts in our blog over the last few weeks. We hear you and there will be more denim posts starting from today!
So do you know why selvedge id is usually white and red in the middle? It's actually introduced in 1927 when the Cone Mills White Oak Factory added a red thread in the selvedge fabrics for the infamous Levi 501xx. The colored thread was mainly for the mills to differentiate different fabrics. In fact the first generation of Levis jeans were made with the duck cloth and only has "whitelines".
Nowadays selvedge ID is becoming more of a brand trademark. Basically denim mill can make any color and pattern that they want. Levi’s has the iconic red selvedge stitching, Samurai a silver, Lee a yellow...And how about Doublewood Denim? All I can say is please stay tuned!
selvedge id
by Jeffrey Lee |
February 19, 2016

We have heard many great things about this 2-day indie trade show since its debut last year. This year we head down to South Cal and see what the fuzz is about.

45 minutes from Palm Springs, we arrived among a cult of denimheads, artisans and fashionistas at the uber eco-conscious Mojave Sands Motel, Joshua Tree.

Its mesmerizing to meet with many similar-minded folks that each has a strong belief in crafts and quality. This reminds us on why we initially started this denim project: to share our ideals and love in denim.

We will be back for sure, perhaps next time as vendor ;)

Till next week and cheers everyone!

by Jeffrey Lee |
January 08, 2016

Time flies, 2015 was a blink lapse on adrenaline. It was a rather productive 2nd year for Doublewood:
2015 was fruitful and we simply can't thank you enough for the folks who share kindred passions in denim and help us jump thru the hurdles along!
Looking forward, we have a few intriguing propositions planned for '16. Beyond our stable denim collection, we are on the verge of carving into the peripheral categories. Something that would go well along w/ our denim. (As usual, we will be tight-lipped before their official releases; but think for the kitchen/workshop wears & that quintessential chambray =)
Its going to be an enticing year for us to step outside of that comfort indigo zone, and persist in honing our craft to expand the collection.
Stay tuned & till next week. Cheers everyone!
by Jeffrey Lee |
September 08, 2015
Contrary to what the anemic/bendgate bourgeois suggested, we typically place our phones in the backpocket. Primarily to build up fades and also for empirical reasons.
At the very beginning, we designed our pocket size based on the practicality to hold things (phone dimensions in this case). Apparently, we have to scratch that thought once the phalet size iphone 6plus came out.
With the event/new iphone announcement around the corner, we put together a collage of progressive backpocket iphone fades; for reminiscence and for a cornucopia of well-aged denim!
Enjoy & Cheers to everyone.